Sharing my culinary adventures and crafty escapades!
Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. I am a mum, engineer, home cook, crafter and more. After multiple blogs to match multiple hobbies, it was time to combine them in one place and share the best here.
My initial blog was a desserts blog started in 2012 to share my cooking knowledge with those who requested recipes and advice. Hooked on the thrill of blogging, I started two more blogs (pie reviews and mountain biking equipment reviews). Those blogs fizzled out but the joy of cooking and sharing my interests never did so in 2019 I started a crafts blog and in 2020 I created another food blog.
Being an engineer before kids, I am in constant need for a side project to keep my mind busy. Thus, I combined two of my main hobbies to create Crafty Epicurean – a food and crafts blog.
Making desserts is my main passion. I enjoy the challenge of meeting guests’ allergy, intolerance or preferential requirements. I also revel at any opportunity to make savoury meals too.
Sewing, scrapbooking, painting, knitting, crochet, cross-stitch…the list is long of the hobbies I have dabbled in. For now, cardmaking is my most recent hobby. I love to make something unique to give to people and with preschoolers in the house, a handmade card is manageable. As an added bonus I get to browse stationery shops and with each new toy, I feel the need to post a review and let everyone know what I think.
I will always share the best of my recipes whilst the content of the crafty side of this blog will follow the creative juices and whatever intrigues me.
Hope you will pop in again sometime soon.